June 3, 2010

WOW 2 Months already?!

How is it possible that my little red head is 2 months old already?? I know since the day we had Makayla I couldn't believe how fast time could go then along came Kaden and time just seemed to go faster, but somehow I am still in awe every day at how fast your kids can change and grow up. Myla is such a perfect fit into our family. She is such a happy baby and her smile can just melt your heart. I thought my life was pretty full with the two kids I already had, and to be quite honest the third was really not my idea. The love I have for this little girl is amazing. Every day I just look at her and can't believe how I can be so in love with this precious gift we have been given.

Myla Nicole Doty
2 months
10.5 lbs *** 22"

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