May 18, 2009

Hawaii, Day 1

We left PDX at 8:45am and 6 hours later we were in Oahu, Hawaii.
We chose to go here over the other islands for two reasons, it was cheaper for all four of us, and we wanted a big sandy beach for the kids to run and play on. Hawaii is 3 hours behind Oregon so we felt like the day had just started when we got there. We found our way through the airport, got all of our stuff, caught the shuttle to our hotel and then realized we were in heaven. Ok, not really, but it was pretty great. We checked into the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort and Spa, which was the best hotel we have ever stayed in as a family. They had 5 pools, 3 hot tubs, 22 acres of beach front property, their own little Lagoon on the beach. . . . . waterslides. . . . we really didn't have to leave the "village" if we didn't want to, they had EVERYTHING.

We started the trip off on a great note. Everyone at the airport was so helpful and friendly. Without even asking they offered an extra seat for Kaden since the flight wasn't full. They let us take drinks for the kids through security screening. . . little things like that. . . they were just so friendly, we were really suprised.
When we finally got settled into the hotel we went out to explore. While we were walking around the hotel we saw some animals we weren't expecting to see. Don't know if you can see what is behind Makayla but there were FLAMINGOS!! The kids were so excited. Ok, so were we. . . .
And Pinguins. .. .

I had no idea pinguins liked Hawaii. . . ..

We went down to the Lagoon and the kids played in the ocean water and sand.
Then of course we ended up at the pool.

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