November 10, 2008

Bethany's Post

My friend Bethany posted this on her Blog and I really liked what she had to say. Thought I would share.

05 November, 2008

Obama, My President
I didn't vote for Obama, and I do not regret my choice. I don't stand where he does on moral issues, so I couldn't vote for him. However, as much as I would like this to be a rant post, I will steer away from a sore losers post, for one reason. The reason being that America just elected its first African American President!!! No matter who you voted for that should excite you. I am in awe that this happened. This is historical because for the first time ever in the United States of America, an African American will be our president, the leader of us all.Now that he is my president, he is my leader. What I can do now is more powerful than my vote, it is to pray, pray, PRAY. Pray that he leads this nation to a place of higher ground, pray that he would be the best leader that he can, pray that the faith that he has will be magnified and he would rise up on the moral issues, that he would use his gift of charisma and youth for the glory of God. It would be hard for any man to lead the U.S. towards God, even harder when that is not where the man himself is headed. Pray that God will alter the direction of Obama. Pray hard. Things can change, have faith, Obama believed it, look where it got him!

1 comment:

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

I am so glad you can relate to this post, and posted it here. I feel that as christians is now time to step it up, leadership will not always be the way it should....but we are always called to support in prayer.

This man needs all our prayers.