April 9, 2009

I find it harder and harder to keep this up to date! I do try! I love to stay connected with our friends and family but with a very busy toddler and an ever curious 4 year old at home the"quiet times" are few and far between. Michael laughs at me when all I want to do is cuddle up on the couch and watch an TV once the kids go to bed. It is just nice to sit and do nothing that is tasking. . . . and to finally watch something that is not animated or rated G. Gone are the days of talking on the phone, playing on the computer, taking a nap. . . our schedules just don't seem to "work together" anymore. A new season of life will come and hopefully I will be better at keeping in touch. >SMILE<

On the upside of things, we have two beautiful children who love the outdoors as much as we do. So I pray for the sunny weather to come and stay for a while. We were teased with the sunshine for a couple of days this last week so we did everything we could outdoors before the rain came back.

Tree Climbers: Makayla with friends Riley and Audrey

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