April 6, 2009

Work in Progress

Since the day we bought this house we knew wether we rented it out or lived in it, the yard (curb appeal) would be one of the first things we worked on. Being that it was the end of November before we moved in, we haven't had too many nice days to work on it, but have made some pretty good progress. The pictures above show how the yard looked when we bought the house. We decided that leveling out the yard would be the first step. . . . so Michael got to work.

As you can see in the above picture, we had to bring in quite a bit of dirt to even things out.
Michael did a really good job with the rataining wall.

Next we had to decide where we wanted to put plants. We dug up several that were next to the walk way and made some new flower beds.

Now we are just waiting for the grass to grow!! We have planted flowers and every day the sun shines. . . I add a few more. That's my favorite part! *SMILE*

Makayla has been a big helper too. She loves to plant the flowers and helped Michael plant bulbs under those flowering trees. So, right now we have daffodils, tulips and crocas. It is feeling like spring!

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